Strip That Fat Review

by Zach on September 15, 2011

Strip That Fat is a new online diet program that has recently become quite popular. It is a realistic solution to help you lose weight. The attitude of the weight loss guide is very matter of fact, and avoids the nonsense that you see in other online diet guides. The authors of Strip That Fat tried to make the diet program easy to follow along with.

Use This Official Link For The Lowest Price —> Strip That Fat

The authors also tried to make the program easy to stick with, so that it could provide men and women with a diet plan that is sustainable. This review of Strip That Fat, will hopefully blow the lid off the program, and help you make a decision as to whether the program is worth your money or not.

To start off, the diet program begins by providing you with a crash course in exercise science and basic nutrition. The program itself consists of a diet generator and a digital e-book in PDF format. The diet generator corresponds to the e-book.

The e-book is written in an easy to understand manner. It avoids difficult concepts and scientific terms. It starts off by listing the reasons that many popular diets, and fad diets won’t work. Then it gets into the actually step by step plan.

A good majority of the e-book contains the “15 Dieting Aha’s” These are chapters explaining things like how smaller meals are better to eat than larger ones throughout the day. It also talks about why it is critical to eat breakfast as well as some tips on how to make eating out at restaurants healthier, along with some creative ways to fit exercise into your schedule.

The next section is completely focuses on exercise. Some examples of information contained in this section are why your legs are so important to weight loss, as well as how low intensity exercise routines will lead to more long term weight loss.

Strip That Fat Diet Generator

The diet generator that is included with Strip That Fat is awesome. You will be able to choose your favorite meals from a list of different food choices that are presented to you. Then the generator will analyze the food choices that you made, and present you with a structured 14 day plan, consisting of 5 meals per day. The generator will also provide you with a shopping list, listing exactly what foods you will need to purchase from the grocery store to match your diet.

You will also be given preparation instructions for all of the meals, as well as a list of acceptable condiments that you can add to your meals. There is no doubt in my mind that the diet plan is sustainable. Even though the diet plan only runs for 14 days, there is no reason why you could tweak your favorite foods, and generate more diet plans. This will help you branch out into other food types, as well as make you more familiar with how many calories are in certain foods, correct portion sizes, and more.

Strip That Fat Testimonials

There are also a few extras that are offered to you in the optional “Platinum Package” of Strip That Fat. These include the calorie worksheet, the Calworries guide, as well as the “Living Life Healthy” recipe guide.

The Calworries guide in my opinion, is the best bonus in the extras. It contains a lot of valuable information about portion sizes, how much calories are burned with specific exercises, and other useful information.

Strip That Fat is not a scam diet program. It is a diet that is very doable, and would be a solid method to achieve a healthier lifestyle, and lose weight. It isn’t overwhelming like other guides can be. Sometimes diet programs present you with so much information that you get information overload, and aren’t sure what to do, but that isn’t the case with this diet. Everything in the diet is explained simply so that each concept is easily understood.

Strip That Fat puts a healthy lifestyle and weight loss into perspective, and lays out what it will take to achieve your goals in an upfront manner. It is a very down to earthy guide that has proven its effectiveness to thousands of people around the world already. I definitely recommend checking out the diet through the official link below, which will get you the lowest price available.

Use This Official Link For The Lowest Price —> Strip That Fat

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